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In the footsteps of the Walser people

In the footsteps of the Walser people

Blick auf Gaisbühelmähder
Torfgebiet am Gaisbühel
Auf den Spuren der Walser
Thematic trail

This route takes you to numerous sites that are significant in terms of culture and natural history. An adventurous hike with historical highlights and culinary delights.

Take the hiking bus from the starting point at the Rüfiplatz to Oberlech. Alternatively, you can also take the Oberlech mountain railway to the Schlössle terminus. The asphalted road leads to the viewpoint Tannberg. Downhill you reach a barbecue area. Continue uphill via the Gaisbühelalpe and chives fields uphill and downhill to the Auenfeldsattel. When you reach Bürstegg you can choose the steep descent to Wang-Hus in good weather. In bad weather, it is better to choose the alpine path until you reach the bus stop.

2:34 h


Take the hiking bus towards Oberlech directly from the hike starting point at the Rüfiplatz. Get off at the last stop ”Schlössle”. Follow the road. Soon a paved back road branches off to the right, so you will get to the (1) view point ”Tannegg” incl. barbecue site. From here, a narrow path on your right takes you downhill to the far side of the Tobel River. Now take the wooden bridge to the other side and then ascend steadily to the (2) Gaisbühelalpe. Across colourful mountain pastures with extensive (3) chive fields, you will ascend leisurely to the Auenfeld saddle. Turn right and follow the hiking path, initially uphill and then downhill again, until you reach an alpine path just before Bürstegg. Go to the left until you reach (4) Bürstegg. You can rest here and take in the unique landscape and peacefulness. On nice days, descending to the (5) Wanghus house is definitely worth the trip. To get there, follow thepath through the pasture behind Bürstegg going right. Soon, the path becomes a narrow track that goes downhill fairly steeply to the Wanghus and ends at the bus stop. In the event of rain, the descent from Bürstegg to the Bodenalpe via the alpine path is recommended. Here, too, the path ends right at a bus stop. The hiking bus will take you back to the starting point.


Places of interest: Wang-Hus – the oldest house in Lech am Arlberg.

Bürstegg – a former Walser settlement, which includes a church and used to be inhabited all year round, but is now only used for alpine farming.

Refreshment stops: Restaurants in Lech am Arlberg or Oberlech, Bürstegg and Bodenalpe.



Best time of year



Good footwear (ankle high, profile sole), rain protection, drinks, snacks, Lech Card and bus timetable.

Safety information


140 Alpine Emergencies Austria-wide

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)

Public transport

By train to Langen am Arlberg station or St. Anton am Arlberg. From there, buses (No. 750+760) run regularly to Lech Zürs am Arlberg.

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID 5fc5f303-6199-4c01-af24-bafeb830b8d1
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14